


CrustyBase is a free service which provides access to community data. We can therefore provide no warranty or legal liability regarding the integrity, quality or accuracy of the data displayed or rendered by the website. Furthermore, we do not assume any legal liability for damages in time, resources, reputation, or any other form which arise from the release of incorrect data from this website.
While CrustyBase provides its users with efficient, streamlined access to data, we always recommend that the original, raw data (accessed through NCBI or directly from the original authors) should be consulted for analyses intended for the purpose of publication.

Data usage

The upload of data to CrustyBase does not incur any transfer of rights or ownership to CrustyBase. We assume no legal liability which results from the uploading of data to CrustyBase which may constitute a breach in confidentiality or intellectual property agreement, or any other violation of copyright or privacy. Such liability remains with the user who actioned the upload of such data. For this reason we explicitly recommend that users are confident of their right to upload data to CrustyBase, and ensure that all stakeholders of a dataset have consented to its upload to CrustyBase.