Antennal gland, green gland, Brain, Supraesophageal ganglion, Eyestalk, Ovary, Sexual development, Vitellogenesis, Ovarian maturation
AnG-S0 Antennal gland of previtellogenic females
AnG-S2 Antennal gland of vitellogenic females
Brain-S0 Brain of previtellogenic females
Brain-S2 Brain of vitellogenic females
Eyestalk-S0 Eyestalk of previtellogenic females
Eyestalk-S2 Eyestalk of vitellogenic females
Ovary-S0 Ovary of previtellogenic females
Ovary-S2 Ovary of vitellogenic females
Nguyen et al., 2020. Transcriptomic changes across vitellogenesis in the black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon), neuropeptides and G protein-coupled receptors repertoire curation. General and Comparative Endocrinology 298;113585.
In this study we obtained broodstock females from a domesticated population of an aquaculture company in Madagascar, and extracted four key tissues from females prior to eyestalk removal where the ovary is not developed (pre-vitellogenic) and following eyestalk removal when the ovary developed (vitellogenic, stage 2). The tissues targeted included the antennal gland (considered as a potential source for pheromones and metabolism of key hormones), brain (source for a putative gonad stimulating hormone), eyestalk (a source for multiple neuropeptides, including the vitellogenic inhibiting hormone) and the ovary.
The black tiger prawn (P. monodon) is one of the most commercially important prawn species world-wide, yet there are currently key issues that hinder aquaculture of this species, such as low spawning capacity of captive-reared broodstock females and lack of globally available fully domesticated strains. To induce spawning, one of the female prawn's eyestalks is removed to induce accumulation of yolk in the ovary (a process called vitellogenesis).
RNA was extracted from the antennal gland, brain, eyestalk and ovary and sent to Novogene for library preparation (TrueSeq) and sequencing. Using HiSeq2500, paired end Illumina sequencing (150 nt) was performed with the four key tissues with three replicates per tissue per vitellogenic stage.